NeuroEnergetic Therapy

Roger Gilchrist, MA, RPE, RCST

NeuroEnergetic Therapy™


What Is NeuroEnergetic Therapy?

NeuroEnergetic Therapy™ (NET) is a uniquely integrative therapeutic system that has demonstrated advantages for clinical efficacy.  The intention of the NET professional training is to improve practitioner efficiency, deepen insight into the therapeutic process, and increase effectiveness by revealing a clear map of the interface points in the body-mind-spirit complex.  This enables us to understand the real nature of the fulcrum that is orienting the client’s issue, and to discern the structure of how the pattern is expressed.  This allows us to work with both the central dynamic and the various ramifications of a given pattern.

There are four cornerstones of NeuroEnergetic Therapy:  Craniosacral Biodynamics, Polarity Therapy, Psychoneuroimmunology (PNI), and Transpersonal Psychology.  Each of these disciplines adds a key component to a truly holistic view.

Craniosacral Biodynamics enables a therapeutic approach to “primary energy,” and the core dynamics in the living system.  These core dynamics affect the tissues, the fluids, and the energetics.  More discussion of how BCST engages these three fields of function is available in the recent article “Essence and Form,” in Massage and Bodywork Quarterly.

Polarity Therapy provides us with a comprehensive understanding of the Human Energy System.  Polarity Therapy also increases the range of palpatory and therapeutic skills, yet the primary concern for NET is the map of the interface points among various levels of being.  Knowledge of this model helps us observe how energy makes the conversion from field dynamics and organizing energies, to specific expressions through the body-mind.  This, then, provides the structure for therapeutic engagement.

Psychoneuroimmunology demonstrates the interactive pathways in physiology and their relationship to mind (attitudes, beliefs, cognitive processes).  When the therapist recognizes the self-reinforcing feedback loops that become conditioned into the physiology, one realizes how those conditioned patterns become resonators for new experiences.  The implications of PNI can support improvements in health, or lead to further degradation, depending on the nature of the conditional feedback.  The capacity to change the focus of psychophysiological resonance becomes a valuable therapeutic skill.

Transpersonal Psychology includes the spiritual domain in psychological awareness.  Clearly, human experience is more than its cognitive-behavioral impulses.  Ones sense of meaning, and the relationship to the larger field of life, are essential features of the healing process.

Understanding pathways for effective therapy requires a clear knowledge of the Human Energy System, the layers of relationship in the Human Energy System, and an awareness of the gateways between dimensions of our being.    Polarity Therapy describes these best, by providing us with a clear model for the Human Energy System.

The first dynamic is that of the Field.  In BCST this is referred to as a “biofield” (after Rollin Becker, DO).  More generally, in energy medicine, this is referred to as the human energy field.  The next step is the organizing movement of energy in the field.  This movement is described by principles of energy movement that are universal in all fields.  Because a field dynamic of charged poles exists, energy naturally circulates between the poles. As energy moves through its field, a core energy system is established.  This core system consists of the midline/central energy axis, and the chakra system.  

Each chakra is a frequency resonator, has a core theme, and a central issue.  This helps us to understand the level at which to focus our therapeutic work.  The chakras, as frequency resonators, create levels of harmonic resonance/standing waves in frequency ranges traditionally described as the Five Elements.

At this stage, we encounter the first important distinction in the dynamics of an energy system, organism’s biofield, field of consciousness:  the distinction between dynamic processes (field dynamics) and hierarchical processes (frequency domains of resonance, i.e., the chakra system).  The field dynamics are governed by principles of energy movement that define the circulation of energy among the poles.  The hierarchical process involves a sequential step-down of the field dynamic through the frequency domains of the Five Elements.

An interesting cross-reference arises at this stage:  the Five Elements interact with the principles of energy movement, thereby distributing themselves through the three poles of the biofield.

This is the first gateway for therapeutic access.  The overall field dynamic can lead to specific element work and its various permutations (visceral work, neuroendocrine support, emotional processing, etc.).  The other way in, at this stage, is from the perspective of a given element, in which case the question becomes:  toward what pole of the field is the element unbalanced and in what way?

So, the field dynamic can take on specific expression through an element in relation to its harmonic resonance, or, a particular elemental emphasis will feedback to the field dynamic.  Either way, being able to recognize the energetic patterning and its structural and functional influences becomes the foundation of well-directed therapeutic work. 

Another feature of NeuroEnergetic Therapy™ is its description of conversions between levels of process in living systems (demonstrable in vertebrate systems).  There are five stages in this process of qualitative and functional conversions, as follows:

First Conversion:  field dynamics to chakra system, creating resonant harmonics at specific frequencies, described by elemental imbalances.

Second Conversion:  energy system to nervous system.  The nervous system will resonate with the frequency imbalances in the field, thereby establishing analog expressions at its own level of function.

Third Conversion:  nervous system to visceral dynamics.  Because of the previous conditioning in the nervous system, organ dystonia results in relationship to the neuro-energetic dynamics.

Fourth Conversion:  viscera to connective tissues.  As the viscera a) resonate with the nervous system conditioning, and/or b) in relation to organ dysfunction in more chronic states, the connective tissue matrix will respond to the local and regional patterns.  This creates overall fascial patterning in relation to the more primary issues.

Fifth Conversion:  connective tissues to structural patterns.  The connective tissue patterns are tendencies which, as they become more chronic, solidify into structural patterns in the framework of the body.  (In the case of acute injury directly affecting the structure and the connective tissues, there can be a ripple-back effect through the previous levels of conversion.)

NeuroEnergetic Therapy™ recognizes an analog pathway that bypasses the sequential conversions (described above) and leads to whole system effects and responses.  This pathway is the translation of nervous system conditioning to endocrine system messaging.  The degree to which this is happening is proportional to the degree the effects are systemic compared to specific or localized.

Traditionally, the discipline of psychoneuroimmunology has explored this territory.  More recent offshoots have led to extremely nuanced expressions of this that are potentially far-reaching.  An important example, here, is the new science of psychophysiological resiliency.  Being able assess and educate our clients about self-advocating behavior, affective biofeedback, and creative self-regulation are true therapeutic frontiers.  This is where the therapeutic process takes a leap into the realm of human potential.

As therapeutic process verges toward human potential, once again the precepts of transpersonal psychology become significant.  More than the established therapies that contribute to NET, the extended model of NeuroEnergetic Therapy™ helps us promote personal growth and spiritual evolution.  As a foundation for doing so, it is necessary to work with physical health, emotional well-being, and conscious self-awareness.

Thus, when we look at the overall model for NeuroEnergetic Therapy™, an assessment sequence defines the most appropriate levels of therapeutic engagement, and the sequence for doing so. 

NeuroEnergetic Triage:  1.  Assess the biofield,  2. Note which poles of the field are balanced or favored,  3. Assess levels of consciousness and dynamic themes, expressed as specific chakras and elements affected,  4. Nervous system effects,  5. Visceral relationships,  6. Element triads and harmonic reflexes,  7. Fascial membranes, both locally and along specific fascial trains, 8. Fluid Inertias, stagnations, thus reinforcing local inflammatory conditions and edemas,  9. Structural fixations,  10. Vitality principles,  11.  Conscious Integration

Our assessment of neuro-energetic relationships then defines how we engage the living system in the therapeutic process.  Three gateways allow therapeutic access in relation to the preponderance of energy toward one pole of the field and its resonant charge.

First gateway:  consciousness, psychoemotional themes, field dynamics, elements, and nervous system analogs.  Access at this level can create superordinate regulating dynamics.

Second gateway:  Vitality dynamics.  These are expressed in both the energetic and physiological domains.  Access at this level creates the necessary drive for the healing process.

Third gateway:  Structural dynamics.  Access at this level reduces fixations at the physical level that in turn compromise vitality and self-awareness.  If these conditions are pronounced enough or chronic enough, engagement at the other levels will be insufficient for therapeutic effects. 

There are some other skill sets that augment the practice of NeuroEnergetic Therapy™.  In fact, at basic levels these skills are an essential part of the clinical practice of NET.  Counseling and verbal skills are necessary to focus the client’s awareness and help them navigate the territory of the healing process.  This aspect of NET does not mean becoming a professional counselor or psychotherapist, however, basic skill with therapeutic dialog is cultivated, to support an integrative practice. 

Familiarity with trauma resolution, in relation to systemic resources, and using somatic trauma resolution skills, when appropriate, is an important feature of any comprehensive treatment model.  The effects of shock in the living system, at micro levels, or in overall body-mind states, will definitely alter the healing trajectory, as described below. 

A final aspect of the NeuroEnergetic Therapy™ model is the notion of global impasses to the healing process.  If any one of these impasses is active, the therapeutic process can only be engaged at that level, or nothing beneficial will happen.

The First impasse:  structure of the body.  If significant fixation exists at this level, whether acute or chronic, nothing else can take place until there is sufficient ease in structure.  

The Second impasse:  vitality.  There must be sufficient vitality, at both measurable and intangible levels, for the healing process to occur.

Third impasse:  shock.  Global levels of shock suppress the entire field dynamic.  Localized shock does the same thing in a more limited fashion.

One other dimension acknowledged by NeuroEnergetic Therapy™ is that of consciousness.  This could perhaps be considered the ultimate gateway—into the healing process, and the journey of personal growth and spiritual evolution. 

This author believes that once the tenets of the NeuroEnergetic Therapy™ model are more established and the practices more widely available, NET can potentially make a significant contribution to an overall understanding of integrative approaches to health care.




Beginning in 2014, Wellness Institute commenced a three-year professional training in NeuroEnergetic Therapy™.  The training is intended to advance the work of therapeutic professionals in several fields of health care.  The training program includes 2-4 three-day seminars per year, depending on the needs of the enrollee.  The global themes of each year follow:

Year One—two levels of seminars introducing NeuroEnergetic Therapy™ concepts and advancing practical approaches.  Both levels must be attended to continue in the professional training.  These seminars are open enrolment but an interview should be had with the course director before you are placed on the class roster.

Year Two—closed group, by application and admission to professional training only.  This year focuses on developing verbal skills appropriate to NET practice, specific approaches to trauma resolution, and an awareness of the implications of psychoneuroimmunology.  A single client practicum is undertaken to focus on psychophysiological resiliency.

Year Three—Internship, and Internship-supported seminars.  At least two advanced level seminars will be attended while conducting a nine-month-long internship applying NET principles and practices with a specific population (for example, in general bodywork practice, or specific BCST or Polarity Therapy practice; in association with physical therapy or chiropractic; or in relation to special populations, e.g., geriatric, Alzheimer's carers, etc.)

One Master Level Seminar—during either year two or year three of the NET a master level seminar with one of the founders of Craniosacral Biodynamics, the psychology of resiliency, Somatic Experiencing, or similar will be offered.

Criteria for Admission:

Graduation from an RCST®-level training in Craniosacral Biodynamics is the necessary prerequisite to entering the NET professional training. 

Polarity Therapy experience is required for graduation from the NET training.  It is highly recommended prior to admission.  However, it can be learned along the way by attending the two Polarity Therapy seminars during the first year of the NET training, and completing the distance learning program on your own.  This is a proven method for learning the features of this body of work.  Additionally, for those already familiar with the Polarity Therapy model, they way we present it could be a useful and clarifying view.

Some clinical specialty in the allied health professions.

Willingness to participate in a “laboratory” of a developing therapeutic model.

Statement of application to the Wellness Institute office and a pre-admissions interview with the program director.

Graduation from the NeuroEnergetic Therapyprofessional training awards a certificate in foundation studies in NeuroEnergetic Therapy™.  We expect NET to be a growing and changing field for many years to come.


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