About Us

Wellness Institute - energetic studiesWellness Institute is an international school for energy medicine.  Professional training and Continuing Education seminars in holistic health care;  Craniosacral Biodynamics, Polarity Therapy, and Energy Medicine are our specialty.   Our goal is to offer you the most comprehensive study opportunities and detailed support materials to enhance your life, expand your practice, and improve your well-being.

Founded in 1991, Wellness Institute first offered residential training programs in Taos, NM.  Programs are currently offered in Washington, DC, New York, Europe, and Australia.  Wellness Institute is highly regarded for its quality trainings and expert leadership in the field.



Wellness Institute courses are approved for Continuing Education:

  • National Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork, continuing education provider #:  451377-10
  • American Polarity Therapy Association (APTA) approved training
  • Biodynamic Craniosacral Association of North America (BCTA) approved teachers
  • Other organizations have accepted CE hours for their members from Wellness Institute, including the American Holistic Medical Association, the American Holistic Nursing Association, the American Psychological Association, and the National Board for Certified Counselors. 

Professional training, advanced seminars, continuing education, and Distance Learning Programs have been specifically developed to maximize student learning and create the clearest presentation of the material.


 Roger Gilchrist, FounderRoger Gilchrist, MA, RPE, RCST® is known for his work integrating holistic approaches into mainstream healthcare.  Roger teaches energy medicine internationally, specializing in Polarity Therapy and Craniosacral Biodynamics.  His experience as a psychotherapist, a registered polarity practitioner, and a registered craniosacral therapist® has kept him involved in many cross-disciplinary ventures.  A past vice president of the American Polarity Therapy Association, Roger has been teaching Polarity Therapy since 1982.  Roger is an approved teacher with the Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy Association.  He studied Craniosacral Biodynamics with its founder, Franklyn Sills, and assisted Sills in training programs.  Many students consider Roger a master teacher.  He is the author of the book Cranioscral Therapy and the Energetic Body, a forthcoming textbook on Polarity Therapy, and has published many articles on energy medicine.  Roger is frequently an invited presenter for many groups, including APTA, AMTA, the American Counseling Association, and the National Institutes of Health.


Wellness Institute Faculty

 Sydney, Australia---

Roger Gilchrist, MA, RPE, RCST® is the lead teacher of this training, in which the co-teachers bring an extraordinary range of expertise. 

Conny Pulvermacher, ND, RYT, RCST®; is a yoga teacher and maintains a full craniosacral therapy and bodywork practice.  Conny’s depth of experience in the work, detailed anatomy knowledge, and amazing communication skills enliven the BCST training.

Bradford Tucker, LMT, RCST® is massage therapist and instructor, and also brings great anatomy awareness.  Brad’s practice of BCST over the last 12 years his given him a profound understanding of the deep organizing principles in the work, and he helps students develop their own awareness of these.


Washington, DC-----

Roger Gilchrist, MA, RPE, RCST® is the lead teacher of this training, in which the co-teachers bring an extraordinary range of expertise. 

Mike Duggan, LMT, RCST® is the director of the myofascial post-graduate course at Potomac Massage Training Institute.  His precise anatomy knowledge is a gem in Wellness Institute’s BCST training.

Mary Maruca, MA, LMT, RCST® is a massage therapist and myofascial practitioner, as well as her practice focused on BCST.  Mary embodies sensitivity, communication, and a gentle knowing that is transformative.

James Foulkes, RYT, RCST® is the author of Integrative Yoga Therapy.  James has deep study in an ancient martial arts lineage, chi gong, and the inner energetic arts.  James is widely studied in several approaches in Craniosacral Therapy, so he brings a wide-ranging perspective to the RCST training.



New York City---

Roger Gilchrist, MA, RPE, RCST® developed the first Biodynamic CST training in New York City in 1998.  Wellness Institute has continuously offered BCST trainings in New York since that time.  Our experienced co-teachers in the NYC trainings are:

Lucie Mitchell, RYT, RCST®; is on the Board of Directors of the Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy Association of North America.  She maintains a full practice as a yoga teacher and Biodynamic CST practitioner.

Stephanie Rogers, RPE, RYT, RCST®.has the distinction of being Roger Gilchrist’s longest experienced assistant.  She graduated from the original 1998 training program and has been on the staff since that time.  Stephanie is a registered polarity therapy educator as well as BCST teacher and yoga instructor, and keeps a practice on Fire Island, NY.


Prague, Czech Republic---

Radek Neskrabal,  PT, DO, RCST®  is the director of the osteopathic school in the Czech Republic. 

Dagmar Kurkova, PT, RCST®  is the clinical supervision coordinator for the training.

Eva Martincova, LAc.,  RCST®  is director of the Therapy Center in Prague,  She leads a staff of 7 therapists and maintains her own practice  combining Chinese medicine and Biodynamic CST.

Jan Kolar, RCST® practices BCST as well as crafting fine woodwork including museum pieces, demonstrating a sensitivity to the form of things.

Bea , PT, RCST®   is a physiotherapist, yoga instructor, and BCST practitioner. 


Moscow, Russia---

Roger Gilchrist, MA, RPE, RCST® is the lead teacher and training director.  Russian trainings are sponsored by the Craniosacral Therapy Academy of Russia.

Alena Guseva, MD, DO, originally studied cranial osteopathy with Viola Frymann, DO, and later with Upledger Institute, and Biodynamic approaches with Roger Gilchrist and James Jealous, DO.  She has assisted every Wellness Institute training in Russia since 2008, and Dr. Guseva conducts her own Biodynamic course in Nhizny Novgorod.


The teaching faculties in each training center have worked closely with Roger Gilchrist to develop the Wellness Institute Method for teaching BCST.  This method has proven to offer the most effective learning for the greatest number of students across cultures and professional specialties.  The primary faculty is supported by teaching assistants, provided in close ratio to help students deepen their skills.


Wellness Institute - energetic studies


Advanced Seminars

Advanced seminars are sponsored by Wellness Institute, taught by experts in specialty fields

Advanced seminars have been taught by Franklyn Sills, Dr. Damon Fazio, Sharon Porter, Mike Duggan,  and Scott Zamurut.


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